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from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
from .proto import AttestationSpecification, ComputeNodeProtocol, DriverTaskConfig
from typing import List, Dict, Optional, Any
from typing_extensions import TypedDict
from enum import Enum
from .proto.length_delimited import parse_length_delimited
from .proto.compute_sql_pb2 import SqlWorkerConfiguration
from .container.proto.compute_container_pb2 import ContainerWorkerConfiguration

__all__ = [

class JobId:
    Class for identifying running or already run jobs.

    Objects of this class can be used to retrieve results for processed computations.
    def __init__(self, job_id: str, compute_node_id: str): = job_id
        """The identifier of the job that processed a particular computation."""

        self.compute_node_id = compute_node_id
        """The id of the computation that was processed."""

class ScopeTypes(str, Enum):
    USER_FILE = "user_file",
    DATA_ROOM_INTERMEDIATE_DATA = "dataroom_intermediate_data"
    DATA_ROOM_COMMITS_DATA = "dataroom_commits_data"

class UserResponse(TypedDict):
    id: str
    email: str

class UserCsrRequest(TypedDict):
    csrPem: str

class UserCsrResponse(TypedDict):
    certChainPem: str

class SystemCaResponse(TypedDict):
    rootCertificate: str

class CreateSessionRequest(TypedDict):
    attestationSpecificationHash: str

class SessionJsonResponse(TypedDict):
    sessionId: str
    attestationSpecificationHash: str

class FinalizeUpload(TypedDict):
    uploadId: str
    manifest: str
    name: str
    manifestHash: str
    chunks: List[str]
    scopeId: str

class ChunkWrapper(TypedDict):
    hash: str
    data: str

class UploadDescription(TypedDict):
    uploadId: str

class ChunkDescription(TypedDict):
    chunkHash: str

class DataRoomDescription(TypedDict):
    dataRoomId: str
    name: str
    description: str
    mrenclave: str
    ownerEmail: str
    creationDate: str
    status: str

class DatasetDescription(TypedDict):
    This class includes information about an uploaded dataset
    datasetId: str
    The data set id as a hex-encoded string. This id is also called the manifest hash.
    name: str
    """The name of this dataset"""
    description: str
    """An optional description"""
    ownerEmail: str
    """The original uploader of the dataset"""
    creationDate: str

class SignatureResponse(TypedDict):
    type: str
    data: List[int]

class EnclaveMessage(TypedDict):
    data: str

class FatquoteResBody(TypedDict):
    fatquoteBase64: str

class DatasetManifestMetadata(TypedDict):
    name: str
    manifestHash: str
    chunks: List[str]

class EnclaveSpecification(TypedDict):
    This class includes information about an enclave deployed in the platform.
    Please refer to `decentriq_platform.EnclaveSpecifications` for a detailed explanation.
    name: str
    """The name of the enclave."""
    version: str
    """The version of the enclave."""
    proto: AttestationSpecification
    """The Protobuf object."""
    workerProtocols: List[int]
    """The worker protocol versions supported by the node"""
    decoder: Optional[Any]
    Decoder object that can be used to decode the binary configs belonging
    to enclaves of this type.
    clientProtocols: Optional[List[int]]
    """The client protocol versions supported by the node"""

class CreateScopeRequest(TypedDict):
    metadata: Dict[str, str]

class ScopeJson(TypedDict):
    scopeId: str
    metadata: Dict[str, str]

class EnclaveSpecificationJson(TypedDict):
    name: str
    version: str
    spec: str

class EnclaveSpecificationResponse(TypedDict):
    attestationSpecs: List[EnclaveSpecificationJson]

class Tcb(TypedDict):
    sgxtcbcomp01svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp02svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp03svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp04svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp05svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp06svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp07svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp08svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp09svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp10svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp11svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp12svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp13svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp14svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp15svn: int
    sgxtcbcomp16svn: int
    pcesvn: int

class TcbLevel(TypedDict):
    tcb: Tcb
    tcbStatus: str

class TcbInfo(TypedDict):
    version: int
    issueDate: str
    nextUpdate: str
    fmspc: str
    pceId: str
    tcbType: int
    tcbEvaluationDataNumber: int
    tcbLevels: List[TcbLevel]

class TcbInfoContainer(TypedDict):
    tcbInfo: TcbInfo
    signature: str

class IasResponse(TypedDict):
    isvEnclaveQuoteBody: str
    isvEnclaveQuoteStatus: str
#   class EnclaveSpecification(typing.TypedDict):
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class EnclaveSpecification(TypedDict):
    This class includes information about an enclave deployed in the platform.
    Please refer to `decentriq_platform.EnclaveSpecifications` for a detailed explanation.
    name: str
    """The name of the enclave."""
    version: str
    """The version of the enclave."""
    proto: AttestationSpecification
    """The Protobuf object."""
    workerProtocols: List[int]
    """The worker protocol versions supported by the node"""
    decoder: Optional[Any]
    Decoder object that can be used to decode the binary configs belonging
    to enclaves of this type.
    clientProtocols: Optional[List[int]]
    """The client protocol versions supported by the node"""

This class includes information about an enclave deployed in the platform. Please refer to decentriq_platform.EnclaveSpecifications for a detailed explanation.

#   name: str

The name of the enclave.

#   version: str

The version of the enclave.

#   proto: attestation_pb2.AttestationSpecification

The Protobuf object.

#   workerProtocols: List[int]

The worker protocol versions supported by the node

#   decoder: Optional[Any]

Decoder object that can be used to decode the binary configs belonging to enclaves of this type.

#   clientProtocols: Optional[List[int]]

The client protocol versions supported by the node

Inherited Members
#   class JobId:
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class JobId:
    Class for identifying running or already run jobs.

    Objects of this class can be used to retrieve results for processed computations.
    def __init__(self, job_id: str, compute_node_id: str): = job_id
        """The identifier of the job that processed a particular computation."""

        self.compute_node_id = compute_node_id
        """The id of the computation that was processed."""

Class for identifying running or already run jobs.

Objects of this class can be used to retrieve results for processed computations.

#   JobId(job_id: str, compute_node_id: str)
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    def __init__(self, job_id: str, compute_node_id: str): = job_id
        """The identifier of the job that processed a particular computation."""

        self.compute_node_id = compute_node_id
        """The id of the computation that was processed."""
#   id

The identifier of the job that processed a particular computation.

#   compute_node_id

The id of the computation that was processed.

#   class DataRoomDescription(typing.TypedDict):
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class DataRoomDescription(TypedDict):
    dataRoomId: str
    name: str
    description: str
    mrenclave: str
    ownerEmail: str
    creationDate: str
    status: str

dict() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in iterable: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)

Inherited Members
#   class DatasetDescription(typing.TypedDict):
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class DatasetDescription(TypedDict):
    This class includes information about an uploaded dataset
    datasetId: str
    The data set id as a hex-encoded string. This id is also called the manifest hash.
    name: str
    """The name of this dataset"""
    description: str
    """An optional description"""
    ownerEmail: str
    """The original uploader of the dataset"""
    creationDate: str

This class includes information about an uploaded dataset

#   datasetId: str

The data set id as a hex-encoded string. This id is also called the manifest hash.

#   name: str

The name of this dataset

#   description: str

An optional description

#   ownerEmail: str

The original uploader of the dataset

Inherited Members